Saadat Abad Project: Achieving New Success, Showcasing GPTK's capabilities

The Sadat Abad Oil Field is located approximately 90 kilometers southeast of Shiraz and 11 kilometers west of Sarvestan city. The field's exploration dates back to 1973 when Well No. 1 was drilled and encountered a significant oil column in the Sarvak formation. Following the initial discovery, evaluation Well No. 2 was drilled in 1975 but had limited production, leading to its subsequent suspension. Development Well No. 3 was drilled between 2009 and 2010. In subsequent phases, Wells No. 4 to 6 were developed by the National Iranian Drilling Company, and Production Well No. 7 was developed by the Iranian Central Oil Company. These ongoing efforts laid the foundation for further enhancement of the Sadat Abad Oil Field's production capacity and paved the way for the EPC-EPD contract.

The Sadat Abad Oil Field project, executed under the EPC-EPD contract, aimed to develop and optimize oil production in the Sadat Abad Oil Field. This comprehensive project involved a combination of Engineering, Procurement, and Drilling (EPD) activities, as well as Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) activities. The EPD objectives focused on conducting engineering studies and designing new wells, procuring and mobilizing drilling equipment and resources, executing drilling operations for new wells, and repairing and rehabilitating existing wells. The EPC objectives encompassed designing and constructing surface facilities, procuring and installing necessary equipment and infrastructure, developing access roads and power distribution networks, and ensuring compliance with safety, environmental, and quality standards. Together, these objectives formed the foundation for the successful development and optimization of the Sadat Abad Oil Field.

The execution process of this project was planned and coordinated systematically. Initially, engineering studies and design were conducted to optimize the well location based on geological features, and effective procurement management ensured timely access to necessary goods and equipment. Ultimately, the drilling operations for two new wells, named Well No. 9 and Well No. 10, were successfully completed, leading to the installation and commissioning of surface facilities.

In the next stage, surface facilities were also designed, procured, and constructed to support the new wells. Skid-mounted chemical injection packages were installed for each well to enhance production efficiency. Additionally, a 6-inch on-ground pipeline, access roads, and power distribution network were designed and implemented for both new wells.

The Sadat Abad Oil Field project achieved significant milestones in terms of production capacity, infrastructure development, and community engagement. Well No. 9 successfully commenced production, contributing to a daily production rate of 1,000 barrels. Well No. 10 also began production, with an initial flow rate of 850 barrels per day. The installation and commissioning of surface facilities, including wellhead facilities, chemical injection packages, and flowlines, provided the necessary infrastructure for efficient operations. The construction of access roads and the power distribution network further facilitated project activities.

The project had a positive impact on the local community by creating employment opportunities. Over 200 local and regional workers were employed, resulting in over 800,000 labor hours during the project's execution. The construction of reservoirs to meet water requirements for irrigation and production purposes supported regional agriculture and contributed to sustainable development.

The Sadat Abad Oil Field project, executed under the EPC-EPD contract, stands as a remarkable achievement in enhancing oil production through drilling, developing surface facilities, and fostering community engagement. Overcoming various challenges throughout this project, Saadat Abad Project showcases the capabilities of GPTK, particularly in project management, engineering expertise, and fruitful collaboration. This project serves as evidence of the exceptional capabilities of GPTK in successfully executing EPC-EPD contracts.

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